South Ward Wellness Center
Location: Newark, New Jersey
Size: 46,000 Square Feet
Owner: Brick Education Network
Architect: Thriven Design
This project entails providing pre-construction and construction management services on a mixed-use, four-story building for South Ward Wellness Center in Newark, NJ. Old structures will be demolished on the site to make way for the new 46,000 square foot building which will feature a YMCA-operated health and fitness center, a St. James Health ambulatory care facility, and community spaces supporting maternal and child health services operated by Healthy Beginnings. The building will also be home to office spaces for the BRICK Education Network and the South Ward Promise Neighborhood, and includes 19 on-site parking spaces. Designed with sustainability in mind, the facility will feature geothermal heating and cooling technology and produce clean electricity on-site with a large roof-top photovoltaic solar array.
The project is being developed by the BRICK Education Network who is deeply rooted into the community with a strong focus on local empowerment and collaboration among local organizations. This NJEDA project has been approved for Aspire Tax Credits and will abide by MWBE participation requirements. Additionally, construction will follow Build America, Buy America Act in effort to help boost the demand for American manufactured goods, strengthen critical American supply chains, and support the creation of American jobs.